Geoff Reacher

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A relentless recombinator and savvy songwriter, Geoff Reacher has been chasing a defiantly idiosyncratic electro-country vision for about fifteen years now. His Orange Twin debut is an LED-illuminated haze of caustic, beat driven hallucinations about girls and death soaked in classic country, pre-war blues, experimental electronics and rap.

Geoff maintains a strict ethic of live performance and real-time sequencing whic integrates his influences into a raw, immediate whole. His sound is unprecedented: intense, personal and completelt distinct from projects of similar eclecticism played by full bands or put together by asynchronous multi-tracking. His arrangements are largely reinvented during each performance, which keeps the shows jumping and the crowds coming back.

Geoff escaped from a small Texas town, lived for seven years in New York City (where he took fingerpicking lessons from folk/jazz icon and Dylan mentor Dave Van Ronk), stayed a while in Athens, GA, and currently resides in Austin, TX.

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